It may look tricky but dont be FOOLED just glue into place and have our machine quilter do the rest!!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Scallop Frenzie
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
We had no idea this would happen so quickly and that she would be home for the holidays... we have been blesssed with a Judge who has reviewed and followed this case and by some Miracle with everything just right signed the paperwork to release her....
The embrace of my daughter who has been an inmate for over a year total and her Aunt who has saved her life with her family here in the UNITED STATES....
and said all she wanted was her mom to be home for CHRISTMAS....
she can't believe it...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
We share the idea of making these pot holders
in children's or fun focus prints
then having the little ones
use as a placemat for hot foods!

before you turn right side out
be sure to clip corners
to help with bulk in keeping corners sharp!
Mixed Blessings
This is a fun idea
for your Thanksgiving Dinner table favors.
Each is filled with the items listed below.
Wrap in celophane bags and tie with ribbons and bows,
place card on each with the Thanksgiving message attached.
If you would like to stop by and pick up a card with the message attached
so you can make your favors, we have a sample ready for you to pick up
and make copies for your guests.
A Mix of Blessings
BUGLES: Each is shaped as a Conucopia or Horn of Plenty to remind us of our ancestors and our heritage and that our lives are filled with blessings.
PRETZELS: They represent our arms folded in prayer to give thanks.
CANDY CORN: A lesson on Frugality. During the first winter the pilgrims were each allotted only 5 kernels of corn per day because the food was so scarce. The next year was a bounty as ours can be.
DRIED FRUIT: Thanksgiving is the celebration of the harvest from the field and trees. Preserve harvest for times of need and share.
NUTS & SEEDS: Seeds represent future hope and promise, the potential of a bounteous harvest for the next season if they are planted and well tended.
THE MIX: We are each given a unique combination of blessings. Give thanks and enjoy them!!
Do you like big family gatherings or do you prefer a small dinner followed by hot chocolate by the fire?
Be sure to visit the other Henry Glass Designers

Thursday, November 17, 2011
package is $3.95
makes two batches!
And say Hi... to all us Dips!
Next week is the week to find your stretchy pants!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
or call to have one sent to you...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Henry Glass Blog
cooking and cleaning
may as well teach them young....
so well behaved...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Houston & Grinch Apron
was awarded 1st Place
is designed by Dana
DB himself.... and all the cute cute cute was
designed and stithed by Dana and quilted by THERESA...