The greenish yellow color faded from the tea stains
and my condition is gone?
A miracle...
But, my planter faci.....
you know the painful condition is terrible...
So if you see me hobbling that is why?
If have any tips or miracle cures
besides staying off your feet let me know?
The quilt shop and design room are full of OOH LA LAI got sample yardage and have made three quilts since Wed.
No wonder my feet are killing me...
Besides joining the gym..2 hours each night after work and still
walking up webb hill in the mornings...
I've got to loose all that Minky I swallowed...haha!
11 pounds so far and much more to go....
Close up of the block....
Quilt top waiting for Theresa (the quilter) to get back from her sisters funeral in North Carolina..when you see her give her a hug....
Our love and prayers go out